alright let me start my thing!
Aku, saya, gue sekarang anak kuliahaaan yeaaaay! senang, serasa lebih tua gimanaa gitu hahaha but one problem TOO MUCH WORK!!! Gosh, no breaks? seriously? sakarang aku harus begadang hingga larut malam, untuk menyelesaikan 2 laporan in freakin one day, hoooow adorable! god damn! Not only that you know, I've other jobs too that I haven't got time to finish it, such as:
- laundry my own clothes with my two bare hands (nyuci pakaian)
- iron my previous dry clothes (ngegosok yang sekarang numpuk kaya gunung :@)
- update my blog page ofcourse hehehee
- SKYPE never forget
- aaaaand other homeworks :D
I need tons of spirits...
udah dulu mau kelariin laporan dulu, get ready to stay up all night -_-"