Let's start from the Morning until Dawn :)
05:10 AM I woke up like I usually do, you know get up and then that daily morning calls, took a long warm bathe. Pray subuh after that and then study a little for the Mid-Semester Exams. man-oh-man didn't prepare for the first day of exam and guess what, baru hari pertama ujian udah di jejelin fisika dasar aja (oh daaamn!). and yes it didn't went well, my physics was a disaster!!!
08:00 PM Entered the class, sit, look front, do the exam and off to go home. hehe (kidding)
Dalam kondisi ujiannya ya lumayan bikin leher dingin dan sempat gugup gimana gitu. Abis hari pertama udah fisika ajee.. malah belum prepare apa-apa lagi (oh daaamn!) tapi Insya Allah dapat nilai yang bisa di banggakan. Amin ya Robb.
10:20 PM Physics exam was over and as far as I remember. I think I went home and then continue doing my Diode reports that is half done and other Physics report that I haven't started doing. It was a day full of exhaustion! sampai-sampai gak ada inget makan and selebihnya nyuci dan beres-beres kamar. Cuman 1 yang ada di pikiran saya LAPORAN. Four freaking reports I have to get it done in freaking one day. How awesomely torturing is that? . So depressing and stressful being an Electronic Science students. Insya Allah I'll cope!
04:00 PM I remembered that I had an appointment with my Assistant Lecturer (Hamsun Munawir) he's suppose to collect 5 reports on Operational Amplifier in the last 3 weeks, but he insisted to collect them on the 31st of October... don't know why, but whatever.. And then I went to the mosque talking to my seniors, sharing stories and blah blah blah. All of a sudden my assistant lecturer came and we talk until we're bored (he's cool, unlike my expectation on the first sight) he gave a chocolate as a gift I guess... too bad I'm not into chocolates, but I took a bite 1 or 2 blocks of chocolates :D yummm
Silver Queen chunky bar: Dark Chocolate Orange Peel |
one of Andi's friends answered "ini lagi mau nengok bang Julio, sambil mau makan dulu" sangking gak ada rasa curiganya aku, ya percaya-percaya aja... kaya ngerasa gak ada rencana apapun, inget aja enggak ulang tahun sendiri. ceritanya lagi ngobrol tuh saya sama Sawitra, taunya "plooooook aja" kena deh telor dan lemparan tepung dari belakang (ooh daamn!) aku deketin si Andi sambil niup lilin kue, eh taunya dari belakang di guyur sama air, entah itu air kotor atau bersih. Yang jelas rencana itu bikin saya kedinginan, malah pakaian baju cuman pake tangtop dan cardigan doang. Gimana gak dingin? langsung tanpa nyobaiin kuenya, aku capcus ke kostan dan mandi untuk ke 3 kalinya... how surprisingly awesome is that!? udah mah baju di rendam seharian masih aja bau telor dan tepungnya gak ilang, apalagi bau telornya (god damn!)
Nyuwopin orang yang sudah bikin baju saya bauks! |
5 waktu yang sangat memorable on the thirty-first of October two thousand and eleven :)
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