Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

The Fourth Incident

It was the sixth of January when that accident happened! Terrible, Terrible, Terrible. Absolutely shocking and shamefully awful! Embarrassed, but hurt at the same time! I was unconsciously blacked out due to the shock. I seriously don't know why I had to rush back home because I was absolutely super exhausted. I fell asleep in the whole last lesson which was Civic lesson. Well luckily we weren't studying about the lesson but we were talking about something beyond important! and yes I missed those informations... well what to say! I had to sleep!
So as the time goes by I woke up and it was home time. Stunning! I was very blissful! After that I rode into my motorcycle and not so far away from school met a round about near SMA N 2 KS and    
What a luck! Got Injured just on my left hand and leg side however thank god it doesn't ruined my face! well the injury wasn't so bad just the primary skin tore off due to the small bitter of pebbles along the road. Thus they immediately took me to the emergency room because I was unconscious and  then the Doctor cleaned all my injury part, most serious ones was my left knee it was full of black pebbles. I was shock and crying out loud because it was a hell pain! 

I can only hope this injury will not stay a mark!

Senin, 17 Januari 2011

a new Chapter ... 11/01/11

To all bloggers!

I feel really guilty towards one of my closest friend. First of all I would like to apologize to him, what I've said and if I ever break your heart, I am terribly honestly sorry! Truly from the bottom of my heart! Sometimes you don't mean it when you say something because you wanted to protect that someone's feeling. "The truth hurts" that's the most popular quotes. However this is not the END of the world!
And sometimes you don't exactly know what the future tells...
And sometimes we just realized that we've already eaten our own words (that's just a word that I made up, but it means something in my language)

I don't hate, but I love
I'm not a player, but I'm royal
I'm not arrogant, but I'm welcome
I'm not quite, I just don't talk much
I'm not a liar, but I'm trying to protect your feeling
I'm not showing off, I'm just expressing my thoughts!
I'm not a geek, but my mind is mature enough to keep my surroundings happy!
I may not be a good listener but I could be a good listener at a particular time!

11th of January 2011 was the best day for my boyfriend and I. It was the day we get together and I always hope he'll be the last and faithful always! On the contrary I feel guilty towards this one person. So the purpose of this blog is that  I would like to apologize deeply from my heart and also thanks to my boyfriend for always making my day so full of different colours!  I will always love you and I will always need you!
Forever. I want to be the last for you, I want to be your sweet dreams. Love me with your heart, like I love you. Adore me with your love, like I adore you! I will be the last for you and you will be the last for me! 11 January 2011 Bismillah...

Je t'aime Andi Pambudi! 
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