Minggu, 20 Maret 2011

D E L A Y blogging!

V A C U U U M 
FOR 7 W E E K S and 2 D A Y S
(due to National Examination)

Rabu, 16 Maret 2011


At least I'm C R E A T I V E enough to make that!
so you just back off and pay attention! 
dedicated to all haters!

Tell me.

let's play a game!
 let's pretend you don't know who i am or what i do
 let's just put it to the side
i can feel your heart-beating, i can feel you breathing
look into your eyes trying to see into your mind.
Foto saya
Cilegon, Banten, Indonesia
desires B L O G G I N G and F A S H I O N RUNWAYS

Project Runway